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Hey, Star Wars: Episode IX — Don’t Retcon Rey Into a Skywalker


Hey, Star Wars: Episode IX — Don’t Retcon Rey Into a Skywalker

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Hey, Star Wars: Episode IX — Don’t Retcon Rey Into a Skywalker


Published on April 22, 2019


Star Wars: The Last Jedi left many fans with the answer they’d been hoping for—Rey is not a Skywalker! In fact, Rey’s parentage is of no importance whatsoever. It seemed like we got lucky and the new generation would not be related to this dominant clan of hyper-capable Force-users (with the exception of Kylo Ren). But now Episode IX is sneaking up on us, and according to director and writer J.J. Abrams: “I don’t want to say that what happens in Episode 8 [didn’t happen]. We have honored that. But I will say that there’s more to the story than you’ve seen.”

So… there’s still more to the “Rey’s parents” saga ahead.

Can we still just say no to this?

I’ve gone on about this at length before, but the idea of her being a Skywalker is just so boring and tired. Rey is a fundamentally more interesting character if she’s not a Skywalker. Her stake in this story is more exciting without that heritage hanging around her like a weighted belt. She deserves to be her own person, unique in the pantheon of heroes this series had brought us. More importantly, The Last Jedi spends all of its storytelling cards on the idea that we, culturally, have a terrible problem on how we view heroism, especially as it pertains to legacy. Making Rey a member of the Skywalker family wastes that entire concept. You can’t challenge that notion at the same time that you reinforce it.

We have a few more glimmers of information thanks to the first trailer for Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker. Those glimmers open up several doors in regard to Rey’s history, the title being one of the most interesting. After all, the rising Skywalker could easily be a reference to Rey, or even to Ben Solo. But my personal pick on that front would be that the Skywalker in question is a title, rather than an individual person. Like the Sith and Jedi trilogy closers before it, The Rise of Skywalker could be referring to a new class of Force-user, a new generation that Rey will likely have a hand in training. If that’s the case, and Rey becomes “a skywalker”, the first of her kind, then her inheritance of the mantle is about her actions, not about her bloodline. That’s a fantastic idea, and a great way of using the themes in Last Jedi to create something even more potent.

But if there’s still “more to the story”, as Abrams has indicated, that suggests that while Rey’s parents may not be incredibly important people, there’s still something intriguing about her family or her history that we don’t yet know. And this does jive with the information given to us in The Force Awakens. We still don’t know who left Rey on Jakku and insisted to her that her parents might come back one day. We still don’t know if she remembers anything of her family at all beyond that promise. We still don’t know why Kylo Ren seemed to have an opinion on her arrival—his pronouncement of “What girl?” when he first hears that she’s helping BB-8 has never been explained in a satisfactory manner.

We’ve got a brand new wild card in this story, and that’s the apparent reemergence of Emperor Palpatine. (You hear his distinct laughter in the trailer.) There are a lot of theories going around about his evident survival. He may have been cloned à la the Dark Empire comic from the 90s; his body may have rescued and somehow reanimated; he may using some form of time travel to reassert himself (which was introduced in Star Wars: Rebels); or other endless other possibilities besides. Was Snoke a failed Palpatine clone? An experiment gone wrong? The man responsible for reviving Palpatine’s body? Whatever the case, if the Emperor has been pulling strings for a long time, he may have more to do with Rey’s past than we suspected.

There has been a theory since Episode VII that Rey could be related to Palpatine, or perhaps cloned off of his genetics, but that seems a little too goofy, even for Star Wars. There are other possibilities, though. He may have encountered her after his revival, and noticing how strong her connection to the Force was, dropped her someplace where he could easily keep an eye on her. If that’s the case, the insistence that Rey’s parents are “no one” could be all about Palpatine attempting to strip Rey’s identity from her, the same way that the First Order stormtroopers are treated. Rey’s parents need not be important, but it is relevant if the Emperor deliberately separated her from them and made her believe that no one cared enough to seek her out.

In the prequels it’s implied that Palpatine has ability to “create” life, which he may have used to create Anakin Skywalker—could Rey be another one of those powerful beings, created by his manipulation of the Force? If so, the irony would be supreme if she’s the one to finally vanquish him once and for all. There didn’t seem to be any control over where that life winds up, or one would assume that Palpatine would have planned Anakin’s birth to be right next door on Naboo (assuming it was his handiwork, and not the work of his Sith master, Darth Plagueis… and assuming the birth of Anakin wasn’t simply the “will” of the Force itself). With that in mind, there are different options as to how Kylo Ren might have encountered Rey in the past, or how Luke may have met her as a child before the destruction of his academy and her life on Jakku.

Provided that Rey’s background doesn’t completely erase all the intentions built up in The Last Jedi, there’s no reason why more information on her history couldn’t elevate the story of the final Star Wars “Skywalker Saga” film. It would be great to have some notion of how Rey ended up on a desert planet all alone as a child with no one to look after her, but making her a Skywalker—as in a direct descendant of their lineage—is still the weaker storytelling choice overall.

Emmet Asher-Perrin does love the idea of Rey adopting the name rather than being born to it, though. You can bug him on Twitter, and read more of her work here and elsewhere.

About the Author

Emmet Asher-Perrin


Emmet Asher-Perrin is the News & Entertainment Editor of Reactor. Their words can also be perused in tomes like Queers Dig Time Lords, Lost Transmissions: The Secret History of Science Fiction and Fantasy, and Uneven Futures: Strategies for Community Survival from Speculative Fiction. They cannot ride a bike or bend their wrists. You can find them on Bluesky and other social media platforms where they are mostly quiet because they'd rather talk to you face-to-face.
Learn More About Emmet
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5 years ago

One of the things I loved best about TLJ, was the extended focus on characters the narrative usually ignores. 

Paige Tico’s sacrifice is more impactful each time I watch it. The closest we’ve ever gotten to that before, is when they cut Red Leader’s introduction of himself to Luke on Yavin 4, and then had him die attacking the Death Star. 

Literally, the closest we’ve gotten to that kind of attention to a tertiary character, is a scene that was cut that I only know about because it was in the book.

And then the ending, with the Force using boy on Canto Bight.  Not only was it a visual metaphor for how hope has been reborn, with the kids now sharing the thrilling tale of “Luke Skywalker’s Last Stand”, but by showing he has the Force, it demonstrates that the Force has truly awakened, and can show up anywhere and in anyone.(Does anyone else think Rose may discover she has the Force in the next one?  I’m just saying is Paige’s last second grasp of the trigger seemed a bit Jedi-esque to me).

The idea of keeping the Force amongst an elite group of people is the anti-thesis of what TLJ means, and recasting the story of Rey being someone’s “secret descendant” is just SUCH a bad idea.  

Dr. Thanatos
5 years ago

If Rey is going to be a Skywalker, do it right.

She originated sometime before the third movie, when Luke and Leia didn’t know they were related, if you know what I mean and I think that you do…

5 years ago

The family connections are what make Star Wars, without them it is just a generic space opera. I’ve no beef with people who like generic space opera, but take your filthy mitts off Star Wars and go make your own franchise (blackjack and hookers optional). That goes triple for all you Milfic fans, you already ruined Star Trek with that shit.

TL;DR If you aren’t making her a Skwalker then you better be making her a Kenobi instead.

5 years ago

@3. The family connections are what make Star Wars

They are what make the galaxy unbearable for the vast majority of it’s residents, is what you mean? 

Because if the prequels didn’t prove to you just how badly that’s going for the galaxy, I don’t know what to tell you. 

I mean, when Star Wars was made most of these family connections didn’t exist, does that make those not Star Wars now?

Darragh Patrick Quinn
5 years ago

Rey will not be retconned .. she was always a skywalker. The second traile fro TFA told us with Luke’s Voiceover. it’s all right there. And she has bettered another Skywalker in battle on two occasions .. ..with no training. She’s a Skywalker .. and Rian Johnson’s farce will be corrected in as much as that is possible.

5 years ago

I agree with the premise of the article, and would love to see “Skywalker” become the new generic term for force users on the side of good and justice. However, if Rey IS a Skywalker, it would not be a retcon. Retcon is when you alter the continuity of a story, changing the facts of what had been presented in the past. Kylo Ren could have been lying to Rey about her parentage; after all, he is a bad guy. Finding out he lied would not be a retcon, it would simply be new information that does not require any change to the story as already presented.

Oh, and as long as I am being pedantic, in the sixth paragraph, it should be “jibe,” not “jive.”

5 years ago

I would only note that Kylo Ren had every reason to lie to Rey when he said her parents were nobodies.  He was trying to get her to turn by using her insecurity against her.  Typical Sith move.  Rey is a Skywalker, probably a 2nd cousin 3 times removed or something.

5 years ago


So something more happened in Splinter of the Mind’s Eye than ADF wrote?  That’ll peg the squick meter, for Star Wars anyway.

James Mendur
5 years ago

I understand the desire to have the Skywalkers gone from the universe, to have Rey be someone new and shiny, but the 9 main “Star Wars” movies are about the Skywalkers. Having Rey be a Skywalker is not lazy storytelling; it’s following the current storyline to its appointed end. The Skywalker family is the whole point of the movies.

The NEXT movie should be about brand new people, completely unconnected to the Skywalkers, but let movie 9 be what it was always meant to be: the final chapter of the Skywalker saga.

Dr. Thanatos
5 years ago


Remember the moment in Return of the Jedi when Leia told Han that Luke was her brother? And he got that look on his face? He was probably thinking back on all the times in the films that Leia and Luke had smooched…

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